Liquid Nitrogen Delivery: Enabling Cold Extreme Testing

Published: 25/04/24
Img: Van showing a liquid nitrogen dellivery to Crux in Bristol

Comprehensive Testing Facilities for Right-First-Time Designs

Understanding the lifecycle and performance of medical devices under various environmental conditions is essential for achieving right-first-time designs. Onsite, we have state-of-the-art testing facilities to ensure our ingenious solutions routinely meet the rigorous demands of patients and healthcare providers across the globe.

Instron Universal Testing Machine with AVE Capability

Crux’s high-fidelity test lab is equipped with an Instron universal testing machine with integrated AVE (Advanced Video Extensometer) capability. Our Instron allows us to quantify the structural trauma a medical device may experience during its lifetime, from high-speed assembly, logistics-induced vibration, and thermal conditioning to drop testing, ultimate torque capacity, actuation force, and much more.

Environmental Chamber: Evaluating Device Integrity from -100°C to +350°C

Via a fully integrated wrap-around environmental chamber, we can evaluate the integrity and functionality of life-saving medical devices across temperatures ranging from -100°C to +350°C. This capability is particularly crucial for medical products which must withstand extreme temperatures, such as primary containers used in cell and gene therapies, which are exposed to the heat of steam sterilisation and the freezing cold of cryogenic storage.

Scrutinising Materials and Products to Optimise Performance

At Crux we take simulation accuracy seriously, possible only with the highest quality input parameters. Understanding your complex non-linear material behaviour, hot, cold or passing through the glass transition, it all happens under one roof here.

By scrutinising materials and products under extreme conditions, we can understand and optimise their performance to mitigate potential issues early, ensuring devices perform when it matters most for patients.