Environmental Policy


As an engineering design consultancy for some of the world’s biggest pharmaceutical and fast-moving consumer goods brands, Crux has a huge potential to impact a large range of products at the early stage design stage. Early in the design stage is often where the largest potential for ‘sustainable design’ lies. We therefore endeavour to integrate sustainability into our products and services, wherever possible.

Crux is committed to delivering an emissions reduction pathway consistent with the 1.5°C ambition of the Paris Agreement i.e. halve greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030 and reach net-zero by 2050. To achieve these targets Crux will minimise the impact its activities have on the environment by developing responsible procedures and integrating environmental awareness throughout.

Crux operates as a sustainable organisation by focusing on behaviour to reduce our impact on the world’s finite resources and function successfully as a responsible business. We always strive to continually improve our performance and ensure the protection of the environment is a key consideration across all aspects of our business. To support our environmental targets we have developed and implemented an Environmental Management System (EMS) in accordance with ISO14001:2015 compliance obligations.

Crux recognises the importance of environmental protection and we are committed to operating our business responsibly and in compliance with all environmental regulations, legislation and approved codes of practice specifically relating to the EMS Scope, by incorporating it into our overall business activities.

It is our objective to operate with, and maintain good relations with all regulatory bodies, and to carry out all measures reasonably practicable in order to adhere to all relevant regulations concerning waste and environmental well-being, as well as continually improve our environmental performance.

Our Commitment

As a business Crux is committed to:.

  • A greener and cleaner environment for all and using sustainable energy where possible.
  • Limiting pollution in all areas of our business and minimising energy wastage by promoting efficient use of energy, water and other resources.
  • Minimising risk to the general public and employees from Crux’s operations and activities.
  • Working with responsible and diverse suppliers.
  • Minimising the production of waste and maximising reuse and recycling. Where waste is produced it will be disposed of using the most environmentally friendly channels possible, including controlled conditions, when required.
  • Promoting sustainable travel to work methods, for example through our Cycle to Work scheme.
  • Reducing business travel emissions by shifting to low-carbon alternatives, including virtual meetings.
  • Capturing and regularly assessing key environmental factors, risks and opportunities such as carbon emissions and waste, to guide our climate strategy and ensure we can meet our set targets.
  • Setting annual environmental targets and objectives, which are monitored quarterly by the board.
  • Establishing a framework to set, meet and continually improve our environmental objectives and targets.
  • Establishing a Sustainability Pod to support key objectives and initiatives for us to work towards as a business.
  • Encouraging all employees to be active participants in environmental initiatives.
  • Assigning responsibilities, mandate and resources to support Crux’s climate transition plan and actions.
  • Integrating sustainability into our strategy and portfolio of products and services.
  • Supporting individual members of our team in their efforts to support recognised charities.
  • Creating a positive and encouraging environment in which our team can collaborate in a mutually respectful workplace.
  • Regularly educating Crux employees about climate change and environmental issues, empowering them to integrate a climate perspective into all areas of our business and drive climate action and innovation in their daily work.
  • Ensuring that all supplier and sub-contracted operations are in-line with this policy, and that they are aware of their respective responsibilities to the environment.
  • Joining the UN-backed Race to Zero campaign by committing our targets through SME Climate Hub, the Science Based Targets initiative and Business Ambition for 1.5°C
  • Publicly disclosing Crux’s greenhouse gas emissions, climate actions and results, and will continue to do so annually.

Our commitment to the above environmental objectives are reinforced by our setting of measurable targets and objectives to reduce our environmental impact. We are regularly assessing our performance against these objectives.


To ensure that this policy is implemented throughout our operations, Crux will:

  • Communicate this policy to all employees, suppliers and any relevant subcontractors, as well making this policy available to any interested parties.
  • Make all employees aware of the impacts of their own jobs and tasks on the environment, as well as ensuring that all personnel understand their obligations under this policy statement, and abide with the principals and contents of our EMS.
  • Inform all suppliers of the requirements to comply with our Supplier Code of Conduct when providing us with goods and services.
  • Provide the management and resources necessary to meet our environmental objectives.

We will constantly monitor and review our environmental performance and this Environmental Policy Statementin order to ensure its continuing suitability, and will implement improvements whenever appropriate.